Our Word & Verse of the Year

Charlie's 2024 Word and Verse of the Year

“The reason I chose this word and verse is simply to remind me, I want 2024 to be a year of less worry, less planning, less calculating, and less distraction. I just want to set my focus on Christ and see His will come to pass as He guides me through the details.” - Charlie

Charlie’s 2024 Word & Verse of the Year

“Last year my word was rest and it was the perfect word for me. As I reflect on 2023 it doesn’t look like such a restful year from the outside looking in. I was honored to win a few awards in the teaching arena, my students won the highest achievement possible for an EAST Program, and I wrote and published a book. When I chose that word in 2023, physical rest wasn’t what I was hoping for. Instead, I was seeking relief from mental and emotional anguish I had been walking through for quite some time - years, actually. I needed God to renew my mind with rest and rejuvenation beyond what I could think or imagine…and He honored my request. Not only did He honor it but He provided an outlet for me to let go of things I had forgotten I was holding onto so tightly by guiding me through the writing of the book. I’m coming into 2024 stronger in my walk with God than I have ever been and I am enjoying a closeness with Him that I don’t want to let go.

I have chosen the word PURSUE to be my 2024 word of the year because I want to pursue my relationship with God with the tenacity and rigor with which I pursue my earthly relationships that mean the most to me. I want to pursue intentionality in my walk with Him and in my daily prayer life. I want to pursue faith like I have never pursued it before. I just want more of Him and less of me. I want to be still in the hard moments and KNOW He has my back. I want to run toward Him with perseverance and meet Him someday with a resume that makes Him say well done my good and faithful servant.” - Jodi

Jodi’s 2024 Word & Verse of the Year

Want a graphic like ours to display your word and verse?

Email your word, verse, and any colors you would like to info@focusedonfaith.org or if you don’t want to think about colors and design, just say “surprise me” and I will put something together for you as a thank you for following our page!! We appreciate you and look forward to growing in faith with you in 2024! - Jodi


The Search for Joy


Discernment vs. Judgment